Seattle local & energetic mother of two, Jessie Matsui empowers others with creative fitness routines, developing healthier & active lifestyles. She creates community through boot camp & dance fitness programs for all ages and abilities.
SHE'S NOW ONLINEJoin through the free apps ZOOM and/or BAND on any device with wifi or network availability. Live online classes for Boot Camp and Mixxed Fitt are available now and until further notice, for all ages and experience levels. Classes are also accessible post the live recording - meaning, you can join in on the fitness fun at your own convenience! Visit Namastream to sign up today! Remain connected, moving, and healthy during these difficult times and social distance, together.
A PROGRAM FOR ANY GOALJessie's Fit Club has three year-round fitness programs in Seattle, so you're bound to find what you need for your personal fitness goals & unique schedule. Whether for early morning fitness (before the kids get up!), weekend boot camps, evening dance sessions for the entire family, or dance fitness for kids-only, certified trainer and inspirational coach Jessie Matsui will have a community of like-minded folks just right for you. You'll reach your fitness goals, together!
Learn more about Jessie's Fit Club programs, below. Not finding what you need? Jessie Matsui also offers private, individual personal training classes, by the hour.
ONLINE MIXXED FIT & COMMIT DANCE FITNESSMixxedFit™ and Commit Dance Fitness is a people-inspired dance fitness program that is a perfect blend of explosive dancing and bootcamp-inspired toning. All of our movements are always big, exaggerated, full-out, and our very best. This class is great for all ages and for the entire family filled with great music and great company. A fun way to spend time together with your family while staying at home and safely social distancing.
FOUNDER & LEAD TRAINERJessie Matsui is a certified trainer through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), including CPT( certified personal trainer), FNS (fitness nutrition specialist), WLS (weight loss specialist), and YAS (youth activities specialist). Jessie's Fit Club was born out of a hard-learned lesson and gained appreciation of rehabilitating a serious injury and making conscious choices to improve health and overall wellness. Not only is Jessie a MixxedFit instructor, Boot Camp instructor, Personal Trainer, and KidFit leader, but she is also a fitness instructor with Kirchoff Fitness and a happily busy mother of two pre-teen daughters. As an entrepreneurial mother and life-long Seattle resident, Jessie is an invaluable leader and inspiration for her daughters and her community.